Monday, June 6, 2011

Ants, sun, and a green bench

Ya know, I was thinking about friends....
Like good friends who love you, care about you, wanna know what's going on, who texted you to say hello, and bug you until you get to hang out, you joke, you tease, who will go out of there was to be friends even when its hard.... now no one is perfect, no one can always be perfect but I truthfull can think of three maybe, four people in my life who are friends like that to me and two of them are my siblings.... do you ever sit down and think about true friends and friendship? I do and I am so thankful to my three but... out of so many who call themself my friends only so few are actualy friends.

Although I don't see the imperfection in people's friendship towards me but also minee towards others. I could only say a doezn people I do this to, but fewer who responde... isn't it sad? To long for real friendship with people but see it no where to be found? My longest and most likely friendships are with my brother and sister, which I am so blessed with! But where is this so called body of church? So called community? How many times do I have to be rejected before I am accepted? I am hurting and I am sick and tired of friendship that are one way, take more than the give, only reject....

But it is not a gift if we expect something in return, is it?
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